Forums » Group Rides

Ride for Sat 6/15

6/15 Sheffield-Tanglewood 47/2400 12-16mph. C+. Regroup Photo of Don Myers Hosted By Don M. Details Sat 6/15. Park behind the Mobil Station in the center of Sheffield, (Municipal Lot). We'll leave at 10:00 so be there by 9:45 to get assembled. This is predominantly back roads, very scenic with great views and historic buildings, Short sections of road are not paved, but they are excellent shape for skinny tired bikes. Bring the usual bike kit, water and snacks. As you'll see on the route map we'll have plenty of opportunities to pick up stuff as we go. We may stop at Bizallions for lunch if some of you would like. TBD. Rain/Wet roads cancels or postpones to Sunday.