A Connecticut Cycling Club
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2015 Tour of the Litchfield Hills Canaan Rest Area
Eastern Bloc Cycling club will be hosting the Canaan rest stop again this year for the Tour of the Litchfield Hills on August 2nd. This is a club tradition started by Laura Jensen many years ago and has become an integral part of the event. Please post here if you are able to help out with the rest area.
We run two shifts, roughly 9-12 and 12-3 and usually need about 3-4 volunteers per shift. Volunteers attend to the snack table and keep the water bottles full for the participants. The Canaan stop is on the route for the 50, 75 and 100 mile routes and tends to be pretty popular.
After the event we greatly appreciate help at the park with the breakdown and packing up. Our club has been the key contributors to this effort which begins around 4PM. Again, please post here if you are able to help.
Rest stop AM shift (9-12)
Geanie Slater
Don Myers
Cheryl England
Renee Tribert
PM shift (12-3)
Carey Gregory
Larry Spence
Maria Gerard
Robin Bornstein
Post ride cleanup:
Eric Landi
Thanks Don!
My Wife Geanie Slater will do the early shift
Do we have any National Honor Society students out there that need some public service hours? We can provide a letter if they are willing to help either at the park or the rest station.
Having enjoyed riding in this great event for years, felt guilty two years ago about riding every year and never "giving back" , so helped staff the rest stop that year. So, figured with at least 146 members in the club, it would be approx. 12 years or so since my number would come up again. (Based on 12 volunteers per year). Okay, figuring in other things people volunteer for you can decrease it maybe a couple of years, but you catch my drift.
But, noting the empty slots above despite your calls for help, if time comes and we still need help, I'll stop my century and work the rest stop. (I'll just ride home from there later to complete my century). Don, based on last year's pace, I should be there by 12:30. I'll try to pedal faster.
Thanks Walt. We'll pencil you in for now in the hopes that we get a few more volunteers in the meantime. I hope others in the club will appreciate your mathematical insight.
I was thinking along the same lines. I'll ride up to the stop and work it. Walt we can commute together if you'd like.
That's great. Thanks Mike and Walt.
I'll see about arranging rides back with the SAG vans as a option. Otherwise I'll head up there myself and get you.
That's a hard 25 miles after the legs have shut down.
Pat, you can move me to 9-12 and I can stay until Walt & Mike get there. That will mean just 2 more for 9-12. I'll see who I can rustle up from Mon & Wed. As a parent I used to be pretty good with laying on the guilt.
> Thanks Walt. We'll pencil you in for now in the hopes that we get a few more volunteers in the meantime. I hope others in the club will appreciate your mathematical insight. > > Pat
If your recruiting efforts are going well, please remember that Mike and I are only pencilled in and would not be terribly upset if we got bumped out of those slots. Feel free to use the "once every 12 years" as a selling point.
Pat, Thanks for the option to get a ride back to the finish, but not an option for Mike and I. We'll climb back on and finish it out.
Updated. Thx. Pat
I think I have Robin Bornstein for the afternoon shift. I'm still working on the others.
You can put me down for the afternoon shift.
Robin is willing to do the afternoon shift and ride in the morning. Cheryl England is going to work the 9-3 shift with me. Larry Spence is set for the afternoon shift. Just drop them a quick note to confirm. D
Thanks Robin, Larry, Carey and Cheryl for volunteering! I think we should create an honorary board position for Don as chief volunteer finder!
Walt and Mike, I took you off the afternoon rest stop list so we'll see you at Coe for the breakdown perhaps?
Renee Tribert will join us for the morning so we'll have 4. She's a member I think.
If you need a 4th person for the afternoon shift my wife, Maria, is available.
Doug Gerard