A Connecticut Cycling Club
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What's happening at Benidorm Bikes?
Hopefully you all know we have a Facebook page for BenidormBikes and BikeFitCT.com, and Instagram accounts for BenidormBikes and BikeFitCT. Please like us, or follow us.
Most importantly, our BenidormBikes Facebook page is where all of our events are posted. We always have beverages and snacks!
Upcoming Clinics are:
March 18th, Friday, 6PM SRAM eTap and Zipp Wheels.
You have heard about the wireless shifting by SRAM Red eTap. Have you seen it? Have you used it? Come learn about this technology and the new ZIPP NSW wheels. The ZIPP Firecrest wheels and NSW wheels offer incredible ride experiences...smooth and responsive! Our Pinarello F8W (w=wireless) with SRAM Red eTap will be used to demonstrate this latest breakthrough in bike componentry.
March 24th, Thursday, 6PM Bike Fit with Jan and the Retul MUVE
We have bike fit tools such as the Retul MUVE, Video Capture, the ability to measure power, saddles for every desire, but none of that matters without the bike fitter that knows how to use them! Have your questions answered, witness an abbreviated bike fit session, understand the comprehensive personal and professional approach to bike fitting that Benidorm Bikes has developed for years. Every rider deserves to ride with efficiency and comfort, and to sustain the bike fit position on every ride! We are a bike fit studio within our own bike shop and proud of the service offered! Please invite your riding friends and see what distinguishes this bike fit service from others. Questions? Email Jan@BenidormBikes.com or Jan@BikeFitCT.com ... or post questions here.
March 31st, Thursday, 6PM Nutrition with Aidan and Hunter from CCNS
The way you live, the way you ride, the foods you eat. What does nutrition mean to you? It is not just about what you eat or drink while on the bike, but what happens at all your meals. Let's talk body composition, metabolism, activity, work, sleep and the food you put into your body! Please invite others for a very informational night. Question? Email Info@BenidormBikes.com ... or post questions here.
I added the events to the EBCC ride calendar. I will be at 1 or 2 of the events.
Jan said Thursday for the nutrition clinic, not Friday. I called and asked the same question.
Indeed the Nutritional Clinic is tonight, Thursday, March 31st at 6PM. Sorry for my typos and thanks for everyone's attentiveness! See you later, Jan