Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
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Volunteer Opportunity - Tokeneke Classic Road Race (Res Loop) - Sunday 8/10/2014
The promoters for the Tokeneke Classic Road Race are getting concerned that they might not get enough volunteers this year. Last year's race was tons of fun. Don't let this year's race get cancelled (like the 2012 race). Veronica, Derek, Wyatt and I will be helping out. Who else is in? Remember that this is our home turf. Don't be shown up by Expo, Bikers Edge and others! Make sure they know you are an Eastern Bloc member when you sign up. We'll figure out how to dispense with those cases of beer.
E-mail I received from the promoter:
Racers of the Tokeneke Classic With 10 weeks to go until Race Day, we are in serious need of volunteer commitments for the 2014 race! Without 70 volunteers to staff operations, the race would have to be canceled, and nobody wants that.
All volunteers receive a $30 reimbursement of the race entry fee for themselves or a friend, and a free lunch. We are also encouraging some friendly competition between cycling clubs by offering 2 cases of beer to the club that provides the most volunteers.
Simple economics we'd like to share: The Tokeneke Classic takes over 70 volunteers to run. For the last two years, the race has lost over $2,000 annually, so we raised the registration fee to $60 to see if we can break even. If we pay people more than the $30 we are offering now, the price of the race has to go up.
Please encourage friends and fellow club members to sign up as soon as possible so we can go forward with planning for the race. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at volunteers@tokenekeclassic.com
Denise Milliner
Some helpful links:
Bikereg.com race registration You can also register to volunteer through this page.
We'll see you folks out there. I race in the morning, so Betsy and I have volunteered for the afternoon session. As I go directly from my race to my assigned intersection, if you're near where they post the results, could you take a photo of the results of my race and text it to me? You'll need a wide angle lens, turn the camera sideways, cause my name is always near ( or at) the bottom of the page and hard to get in the frame.
Hope they get enough entries and volunteers to hold the race.
Thanks, Walt
Hi Walt, You mentioned in your post that you are signed up to volunteer in the afternoon. I signed up to volunteer on bikereg.com but didn't see a place where I could choose am or pm.
Hey Paul,
They (Denise) will email you a Registration Form and there is a place on it to list what times and what type of assignment you want. There is also a place on it where you list your club or group. Ebcc barely lost out last year for the most volunteers, lost to the "host" cycling club. We suspect there was some collusion involved, if you catch my drift. But hey, if your club goes to all the trouble to put this on, I guess you can count the numbers anyway you want. HOWEVER, it would difficult to give it to them two years in a row. This is our year.
Thanks for helping out. See you there.
That's right Walt. This is OUR year, and it's OUR turf! Everybody remember to include "Eastern Bloc" or "EBCC" in their team name when registering. That beer is going to taste good.
My 2 sons helped last year. I'm not sure it will work out for them this year, but I am working on it. I will be racing in the morning, but might be able to help in the afternoon.
I have my wife signed up to volunteer. I am signed up as well following my race. Working on my son as long as they will take a 14 yr. old. Tim
I signed up to volunteer also Kris
What's up with 181? Pavement is gone. Unrideable. Hope they're all done by race day.
Just a little rough. Was good early cx training on Saturday.
Go up Park road to Slade and you can get around it.
Yes, it's so bad that even an experienced moto-crosser will stay away from it with his $12,600 bike.
I foolishly tried going up that steep jug handle to see if I could get around it that way. No end of rocks and oily dirt in sight from the top either though. On the plus side it will be a nice ride when complete. I'll have to try pats suggestion next time for the time being.
The organizers are still in need of folks to staff the event ... primarily marshalls but other positions as well. If you are on the fence, or have just been putting it off, please contact the organizers at the e-mail address above. (Don't forget there's beer at stake).
Has anybody ridden the course lately? I'm wondering if the construction is now complete.