Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
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November 14th Fall Wrap Up / Gathering
The Club Fall Gathering originally scheduled for October 10th will be push to a later date. Jan should be sending an update soon via email. I just wanted to post this so people can make other plans. We had feedback that a number of club members were planning on the Great River Ride that day, and others would be away as it is a 3 day weekend for some. Tentative new date is November 14th for a social gathering.
This is a copy of the email sent to active club members:
The date for the end of season Fall Wrap Up has been changed from October 10th to Sunday, November 14th.
We have heard from a number of club members that they would be participating in the Great River Ride in Westfield, and that some were taking advantage of a 3 day holiday weekend. With much back and forth, we have decided to bump the date out to mid November. It is never easy to find a date that works for most, but hopefully this will allow more of you to join us.
We will support local, and head to Brewery Legitimus located at 283 Main Street in New Hartford, CT (Rt. 44) for 3:30PM. Pizza, non-alcoholic beverages and a beer ticket will be provided. We will ask for 4 club members to bring a dessert to share. RSVP (even if you did so before) will go to Jim Magennis ( jjmagennis@gmail.com ) . Please RSVP by Thursday, November 11th to help with placing our order in advance.
Rides, or maybe even a hike, will be determined as we get closer...all weather dependent. Hopefully, people will use EBCC Slack to communicate with up to date communication. Some updates will be located on the forum, but more people have been communicating on Slack. Be prepared to learn more at the Fall Wrap Up about using Slack.
As an FYI, there will be some changes to club dues (being reduced) and more opportunities/benefits for committed ride leaders and board members/club officers as we transition into 2022. Please give consideration to becoming a ride leader, a club officer (elections will be coming up), a youth development helper, bicycle advocacy liaison, or any number of ideas. We will be able to chat more at the November 14th gathering.
In closing, we all thank you for joining us on the rides this year and look forward to seeing you on November 14th.
Ride safely, and stay well. Your EBCC Board (Jan, Jim, Brent and Jack)
As our fall wrap up / gathering approaches, we are checking to see if there are any more RSVPs to come. If you haven't done so, please make sure to RSVP by Friday at the latest (11/12) to inform us that you are coming. (see below)
We will support local, and head to Brewery Legitimus located at 283 Main Street in New Hartford, CT (Rt. 44) for 3:30PM. Pizza, non-alcoholic beverages and a beer ticket will be provided.
Jim Magennis ( jjmagennis@gmail.com ) . Please RSVP by Thursday, November 11th to help with placing our order in advance.
Jack will be leading a mountain bike ride beginning at 12:30PM, sharp. Be ready to ride at 12:30PM from the Nassahegan Recreational Complex, Burlington, CT for an intermediate mountain bike ride. The duration is 1.5-2 hours. The plan is to finish 1 hour before the club event at Legitimus, which is a 15 minute drive away from Nassahegan. Post here if you plan on joining, or on Slack. Weather related updates will be posted by 10AM. Nassahegan Recreational Complex