A Connecticut Cycling Club
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Holiday Open House this Friday!
It's the Annual Holiday Open House this Friday, December 2nd, beginning at 6PM at Benidorm Bikes! We always have a great time while mingling with staff, reps and our community of cyclists! We talk bikes, make toasts, laugh and share our visions of bikes and cycling experiences! This year we will have a few folks from the Bristol Boys and Girls Club of America to share some information about how we (and hopefully you) are working together to get more children on bikes! In addition to our standard raffles, we will have a silent auction table and 100% of money raised will go towards the purchase of kids bike for children participating in the Power Hour (a successful homework helping activity at the BBGC). Whether you can join us on Friday or not, we will welcome any contribution throughout the end of the year to go towards this great cause. This is a unique opportunity to join our efforts and share what you love with someone of a younger age! Please let us know if you have any questions. Hope to see you on Friday! Jan, Doug and our awesome Benidorm Bikes Staff!