Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
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Frozen Four Road Race Training Series (Sundays in March) / Call for Eastern Bloc Volunteers
EBCC is once again helping to present the Frozen Four Road Race Training Series in Farmington every Sunday in March. Promoting races helps keep our club in good standing with USA Cycling.
This year, we're again being asked to provide volunteers to help run the series. People are needed to help with course set-up, registration, course marshaling and course break-down. Shifts are short (two to three hours in length), and first shift slots are a great way to pass the time while watching our Farmington Valley Youth Cycling Team kids as they participate in the junior race clinic and junior training race.
Each week, I'll be posting the Frozen Four race registration link and the VolunteerSignup link, asking for your support.
Frozen Four Week One, VolunteerSignup
Frozen Four Week One, Race Registration and Clinic / Race Schedule
Thanks for your support! - Jeff
Thank you very much to the FVYC team parents and coaches, and Eastern Bloc Cycling Club members who volunteered to help out this morning at week #1 of the Frozen 4 spring training series, despite the cool damp weather! Your support is greatly appreciated. Our junior team kids made us proud in the clinic and race today, with a terrific example of teamwork. Check out our Farmington Valley Youth Cycling Team Facebook page (link below) for some photos of the juniors. Be sure to give our page a 'Like'.
People are needed to help with course set-up, registration, marshaling and course break-down again next Sunday. Shifts are short, and filling first shift slots is a great way to pass the time as our team kids are participating in the junior clinic and race.
I'll be out of town next Sunday, but below is the Volunteer Signup link for week #2, Sunday 3/13, held in honor of our late friend and former ERRACERs junior team coach, Matt Waz. Also below is the link for clinic and race registration for week #2, for those club members who'd like to get a taste of racing.
Frozen Four Week #2, Volunteer Signup
Frozen Four Week #2, Clinic and Race Registration
Farmington Valley Youth Cycling Team, Facebook page
Thanks! - Jeff Cote
A reminder that volunteers are still needed for Frozen Four, week #2. We still need a couple of 1st shift course marshals (7:30 to 9:20 AM), and people are still needed to work registration on both shifts, especially the early morning shift (6:30 to 9:00 AM). Eastern Bloc members and FVYC parents and coaches showed up in force for week #1, let's keep the trend going with some fresh faces this weekend!
In case you haven't already heard ......
Frozen Four week #2 (3/13) is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
Thank you to all the EBCC members and FVYC parents who had volunteered to help out for week #2. Stay tuned for the week #3 volunteer signup and Bikereg race registration links
- Jeff
As we begin to make up that lost "spring ahead" hour of sleep this morning, there's no better way to prepare for the first day of spring than registering to volunteer for week #3 (3/20) of The Frozen Four and signing up to race. While you're thinking of it, why not take this opportunity to sign up for week #4 (3/27) volunteer opportunities and to race?
Frozen Four, Week 3, Volunteer Signup
Frozen Four, Week 3, Clinic and Race Registration
Frozen Four, Week 4, Volunteer Signup
Frozen Four, Week 4, Clinic and Race Registration
- Jeff Cote