Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
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EBCC Fall Picnic - First/Last Reminder
First - and last - reminder!
Autumn arrives today, so now it’s time to get serious about plans for EBCC’s Fall Picnic. Again this year, the festivities will take place at Jim Rogoski’s home at 11 Bel Aire Lane in Canton. And, as per custom, we’ll kick off the day with a ride - just to warm up the appetites - at 9:00 AM. We’ll have a hilly route and a less hilly (pretty flat actually - well as flat as you can expect in this area) route to choose from. Everything will be at a friendly pace.
The date is Saturday, October 4th. Rides at 9:00, picnic to follow (12ish). The club will provide food and drink. The attendees will provide merriment.
We will also be awarding the Benny Bunny (most improved rider) and Gnome (most unlucky/unfortunate rider) awards at the picnic. The polls will close for voting for these awards on Friday, October 3rd. Don’t miss your opportunity to exercise your constitutional right!!!
There has also been some discussion of bringing to a vote a name change for the club, from Eastern Bloc Cycling Club to Elitist BigShot Cycling Club. So if you want your voice heard…….
So that we can plan for an appropriate amount of food and drink, please email me (tjwing01@gmail.com) your RSVP by next Tuesday, September 29th.
All active (paid up) club members, spouses/significant others (one or the other, please) and children are all invited. (Sorry, but no pets please.) All you will need to bring is your bike, a lawn chair for the picnic, your bathing suit (Jim has a pool) if the weather permits, and your appetite (which we will enhance with our morning ride!). A shower will also be available.
We look forward to a fun day!
Where's the link to vote for Benny Bunny and Gnome awards?
You can vote for these awards by emailing me (tjwing01@gmail.com) with your vote. Don't worry, I've taken the vow of mum-ness!
The weather for Saturday is iffy. Should it rain we can move the ride and picnic to Sunday. Tom Wing can make the call later in the week when the forecast is more accurate.
I have reserved a quarter keg of Octoberfest beer and my colleague will be supplying authentic German pretzels again for post ride recovery. The club will supply the main food as usual.
I don't have access to the flat, slower paced ride that we did last year so I am hoping someone else can post it and lead it. Here is the route from last years hilly route AKA; Crap that's hilly for this time of year. The pace was very relaxed last year and will be again this year.
As Tom mentioned there are a few showers here that you are welcome to use. Please bring your own towels and perhaps a lawn chair since we don't have enough for everyone. The pool is still open but it's at 68 degrees now so that is a refreshing option. See you all then.
> Here's the flat(ish) route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6108023 > > Link
If you still need someone to lead the "flat" ride I can, I'm 6 days out from the Hartford Half so I should probably go a little easy on the legs.
Thanks DJ. John Lockwood has volunteered as well. You can co-lead. That would work really well.
Greetings, everything is set for a classic Fall ride and picnic. It will be nice and crisp weather with the leaves at peak foliage. Rides begin at 9:00 am.
Please remember to park on the road. We have about 50 people coming so it is essential.
Stop by for a refreshment even if you can't make the ride. This is going to be a great day.
Yep. It's still here. You can stop by anytime to pick it up or I can bring it to Tuesday, Friday or Sunday rides. Let me know.