A Connecticut Cycling Club
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Beginner Riding Group
Hey, I am new to riding and find the idea of a C level group mph a challenge. Could a beginner group - "BC", Beginner Cyclist - be formed for those of us that want to do a group ride, but are not yet up to the challenge of a C level? We can encourage each other do get better. My husband and I start off together, but then he is off and I and biking alone. I enjoy riding and have been training indoors this winter. It is taking me time to build up my endurance and length of my rides. Can you relate to that? I would love to find like-minded bikers to ride with. How about a new group? Thanks? ! 👏
Bonnie, The Monday and Wednesday "C" rides are exactly what you are looking for. "C" rides are for folks learning how to ride in a group. The pace is set so that no rider is left behind and the ride leaders make this certain. The speed listed in the ride description is a guideline. The actual pace is set by the group on that particular night.
The Monday ride often splits into multiple groups based on the anticipated pace. I encourage you and your husband to come out and give them a try. You can each choose the group that is most appropriate for you and start and finish at the same time and location.
Thanks for your encouraging reply.
How are the inclines on the rides? I am not particularly strong on hills.
In general, how long are the routes?
When the weather warms up, you will see us there. Thanks.
The C rides do not include any significant climbs and the route lengths are usually posted per week. Most of the Monday night routes stick the flatter parts of West Simsbury. Take a look at the ride classification descriptions at the upper right of the events calendar for more information.
Hi Bonnie,
Welcome to the club! I lead the Wednesday night group C rides. You should just show up on a Monday or Wednesday night and give it a try. We have a real mix of abilities, all the way from total beginners like yourself to more experienced riders just looking for an easy recovery ride. The main thing is we don't leave anyone behind. You'll never find yourself left alone at the rear. Heck, the ride leaders will probably be back there with you. ;-) Trust me, no matter how slow you are you'll find there's always someone slower to keep you company.
The Monday rides are generally very flat with no significant climbs at all. Wednesdays cover different terrain that tends to be hillier, but there are no "killer" climbs, and we always regroup at the top. Both nights tend to be in the 20-mile range, give or take 5 miles. Weather and how much daylight we have often determines length.
Hope to see you soon!
Good to know that Mnday rides stick to flatter, less significant climbs. I will take a look at the upper right corner. Thanks, Pat.
Carey, Thanks for the welcome. It sounds like starting with a Monday ride would be best, once I am able to get to the 20 mile mark. I am looking forward to the challenge of the rides along with the companionship. It is encouraging and comforting to know that I will have company at whatever speed I am able to put out. Now, for Mother Nature to cooperate with a tad bit warmer weather. You will see me on a ride.
If there are some newer members that are still a little nervous about a 'C' ride or are looking for an occasional easy, flat recovery ride, I'd be up for running some 'D' rail trail rides.
Awesome! I'll try to put something together for Saturday then. I'll put it out on the Group Rides forum as a 'D' ride event. :)
If anyone is interested in rail trail rides, there is a weekly ride on Wednesday mornings in Simsbury, starting this week.