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2019 Club Officer Elections

I know what you are thinking.......I thought all this election who-ha was over!

While not nearly as spirited as the mid terms the election of your EBCC officers is at hand. This is your opportunity nominate candidates for 2019 for the December election. The positions that are up for election are:

-President (Currently Pat Cunningham)

-Vice President (Currently Jan Tanner)

-Treasurer (Currently Beth Saman)

-Secretary (Currently Jim Magennis)

-Webmaster (Currently Brent Soderberg)

-USAC/NEBRA Rep (Currently Jack Enxuto)

Please post your nominations here. The nomination period will be open until 11/30/18.

Thanks! Pat

In reply to pcunningham

I nominate the following members to continue in their elected club officer positions in 2019. Will anyone second the nominations?

Vice President: Jan Tanner

-Treasurer :Beth Saman

-Secretary : Jim Magennis

-Webmaster : Brent Soderberg

-USAC/NEBRA Rep : Jack Enxuto

I nominate Pat Cunningham as EBCC President for 2019. An active member will need to second the nominations for all mentioned officers.

In reply to Jan

hear ye, hear ye, I second all of the nominations.

Although a bit of a formality, the club officer ballot is now open ...

If you are a current EBCC member please vote.

