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2018 Officer Elections

Yes folks it's that time again. This is your opportunity nominate candidates for the 2018 officers election that will happen in December. The positions that are up for election are: President (Currently Pat Cunningham) Vice President (Currently Jan Tanner) Treasurer (Currently Kris Turon) Secretary (Currently Beth Saman) Webmaster (Currently Brent Soderberg) USAC/NEBRA Rep (Currently Jack Enxuto)

For additional information the club By Laws can be found here: EBCC By Lawst

Please post your nominations here.
Thanks! Pat

In reply to pcunningham

Good to know!!!!

I’m happy to continue as the club Webmaster, but if there are any web developers on the club that would like to help out, let me know.


Kris T has announced to the president that she will be retiring from the tumultuous life as an EBCC officer. In her place I am nominating Beth Saman MS RD CD-N MBA as club treasurer for 2018. With all those letters after her name she's gotta be qualified ;)

We will need a nomination for Beth's replacement as club secretary. Any offers?


In reply to pcunningham

> Kris T has announced to the president that she will be retiring from the tumultuous life as an EBCC officer. In her place I am nominating Beth Saman MS RD CD-N MBA as club treasurer for 2018. With all those letters after her name she's gotta be qualified ;) > > We will need a nomination for Beth's replacement as club secretary. Any offers? > > Pat

I thought Beth was secretary for life?

In reply to Dr.Bruce

Her sentence has been commuted.

I am nominating Jan Tanner to continue as club VP in 2018.


I nominate Jim Magennis as Club Secretary.

In reply to Jan

I’ll serve if voted in by my consulates

In reply to pcunningham

The 2018 EBCC Officer Ballot is now available! For those of you who were 2017 members and/or intend to renew your membership for 2018, you can vote at this link:

2018 EBCC Ballot