Forums » Group Rides

Weekend Rides

I am new to the club and the area and am looking to ride 40-60 mile routes on Saturdays and Sundays. I ride below club pace at about a 12-14 mph pace, so I am too slow for the CP paced rides. I live in Terryville and would be willing to lead and or join anybody else's ride. Would just like to ride with people. Anybody up for that?

In reply to Mike_Ellman

Hi Mike. Welcome to the club! Don Myers is leading a ride at the pace you like this Saturday. The ride starts at the railroad station in New Canaan this Sat at 9:30. The route is 41 miles with 2300 feet of climb. Here is the route. Feel free to join us. You can reach Don at and ask him to put you on his mailing list.

Thanks Carey! I'll be there.