A Connecticut Cycling Club
Forums » Group Rides
Wed SP ride
Just a reminder for those of you who decided not to ride last night; The Wed night SP ride starts from the same place at the same time, and the weather looks to be great. We'll split into the same A-B groups as always.
> Just a reminder for those of you who decided not to ride last night; The Wed night SP ride starts from the same place at the same time, and the weather looks to be great. We'll split into the same A-B groups as always.
Thanks for posting the notice, Don. Tomorrow's weather looks stellar!
Just be aware that on the Wed SP rides we will split the ride into two groups only if we have more than 10 riders. Both groups will be at the same advertised SP pace so which one you choose is fairly arbitrary. There will be no stealth CP groups.
Great - I plan to be there!