Forums » Group Rides

Wed 5/27 SP Ride

Weather looks like it should be great if you like it warm, and after this winter how could you not? The ride is on.

In reply to Carey_Gregory

Carey, Where are we starting from. Monday has shifted to the Pizza place (which isn't open on Monday). What are we doing? I've forgotten. Don

In reply to Don

West Mountain park in Simsbury. There have been no changes to the Wednesday starting location.

Peter and I will be there!

There is a line of thunderstorms to our west that may be arriving here around 6-7pm. Check here before leaving for the ride. I will post a go/no-go by 5:30pm.

Looks like we'll be able to finish a ride before the t-storms arrive, so it's a go.

In reply to Carey_Gregory

Just saw this. We are already on our way. The weather looked like it was going to dissipate from what I saw out who knows!

Ever the optimist...I'll be there.

In reply to Carey_Gregory

ooh glad i read this.... take bike off car....

In reply to ConnieC

RP/IP group was sufficiently power washed yesterday. It seemed like a good idea when we left the parking lot ;)