Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
Forums » Group Rides
Tuesday CP Ride - West Simsbury
Weather looks a bit iffy at this point; likely late afternoon severe thunderstorms. Keep an eye on the forum and I'll make a call late Tuesday afternoon.
Since it's likely to be overcast, we'll keep it a little on the shorter side with a route that will climb the full length of Mountain Road from North Granby to East Hartland.
Route Click here
Time: 6:00 pm start
Location: Rear parking lot at Farms Village Plaza, Rt. 309 in West Simsbury
A couple of the regular ride leaders won't be able to make it this week, so some volunteers would be welcome.
assuming the weather cooperates I plan on riding and I'd be happy to volunteer to help lead.
Line of storms moving in that should arrive around 5:00 pm. Will monitor and post a "go" or "no-go" decision based on what things look like around 5.
UPDATE @ 4:25 - Gonna be a close call. Don't wear white.
5:00 pm and the main front has passed without any serious rain in Simsbury. Still some rain on the radar to the northwest, but it looks to be breaking up. I think we're good to go.