Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
Forums » Group Rides
Tuesday, April 20th B Ride
6PM roll out...lights and bikes ready.
It's a usual departure from West Simsbury and heading north to get onto Holcomb, at which point we will head to Barndoor Hills and cross over Rt. 20. Wells Rd. will take us to East St. to Quarry to Hungary as we return to Granby Center. Caution in the intersection as we safely make our way to head south on Rt 10 to make a right onto Canton Rd. We will zig and zag our way back to Old Farms Rd. for the return.
I'll post any last minute updates on Slack. If you haven't become a member...please consider doing so. If you had a membership last year...we automatically renewed it. With a new membership, you will receive the invitation invitation to join Slack. If you are an existing member and don't know if you have that access, let me know, and we will get a new invitation sent. Slack is a great way for easy communication, last minute notices and making riding arrangements with people you meet from the club.
Anyhow...here is the ride: 26 miles and 1440' Climbing