Forums » Group Rides

Tuesday 9/11

I promised jan I would lead this ride but now cannot due to work commitment. If someone else wants to lead and feels lucky with the weather please reply back...........If not, I'm not ready to give up and would like to try for Wednesday instead. We would go for "option 2" from Jan's 9/4 post. It may get squashed due to rain but also reply back if you are interested in a Wednesday ride.

Is anyone riding tonight?

Once again, I cannot make it personally but wouldn't discourage others.....I am still planning on tomorrow and will initiate a new post for that ride.

In reply to Jeffb

I was planning on riding

I’ll be there- 530p

I’ll be there

In reply to TheOtherJim

is the ride starting at 5:30 or 6? If it is 5:30 what route?