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Sunday 8/26 ride from Bantam, CT (changed from Sat)

The weather looks good for both days so I’m kayaking on Saturday and moving the ride to Sunday. We’ll leave from Bantam @ 9:30 am; count on about an hour from West Hartford. Park at the municipal lot on Doyle Rd. Doyle Rd is right before Arathusa Farm Dairy on the right hand side. DO NOT PARK in the lot next to the dairy. We’ll have lunch enroute. Where I don’t know, but there are a number of options. We can refill water, etc. at Bull’s Bridge, Merriville, or Washington Depot so 2 water bottles should do it. Check your tube, inflator, levers, lights, front and back blinkies, energy gels, etc just in case. Any other questions, let me know. These rides tend to be all day so plan on it. Ice cream at Arathusa when we're done! Don

In reply to Don

I think I will join you, Don.

In reply to Gmagennis

We look forward to seeing you Gina. It's a nice ride. D

In reply to Don

Bummer. Not going to be able to make it, Don. So sorry.