Forums » Group Rides

Sunday 8-23

Anyone riding? Route?

In reply to wpprescott

If it's not raining I plan on riding. There are others too.

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i plan to be there as long as the rain holds off.

9 AM start from the commuter lot at 44 and 179

Wonder if we can fit sandy brook into the ride. Haven't done that one since spring.......or 57 between rte 8 and Granville.....or both???

Not married to it though. I'll do whatever as long as Wayne can find me a place to fill my water bottles at some point.

In reply to Jeffb

> Wonder if we can fit sandy brook into the ride. Haven't done that one since spring.......or 57 between rte 8 and Granville.....or both???

57 from West Granville to Granville Town Hall is all dug up.....drainage ditches crossing the road....looks like they will be milling and paving next week.