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SP ride 8-3-15

Nice evening for a ride, and I suspect there will be more than one person looking to "recover" after some impressive efforts yesterday during the Tour of Litchfield Hills event. Accordingly, we will be taking it easy (don't we usually?) and keeping it pretty flat and low key, back well before dark.

20 mile SP route

Looks good to me. Don

Just an observation, passed someone coming from RT44 in a Eastern Bloc jersey, assuming they were on the way to the ride, I would HIGHLY recommend not cutting over on Washburn to Notch, that road is crazy busy during rush hour and very narrow with many blind spots, Lawton to Dry Bridge is a much better route.

In reply to DoctorJ

> Just an observation, passed someone coming from RT44 in a Eastern Bloc jersey, assuming they were on the way to the ride, I would HIGHLY recommend not cutting over on Washburn to Notch, that road is crazy busy during rush hour and very narrow with many blind spots, Lawton to Dry Bridge is a much better route.

I ride that way all the time and I agree, but Notch is actually the worst of all. It's a narrow S-curve with no shoulders and tons of impatient commuters driving way too fast for the road because it's one of only two shortcuts to Canton and westward that aren't 44. I think it's nuts that the Notch/Dry Bridge/Washburn intersection isn't a 3-way stop. It needs to be just to slow them down.