A Connecticut Cycling Club
Forums » Group Rides
Shop Ride April 26
I'd love to join this ride, but I am not yet up to CP. Any chance anybody has a cue sheet so I can do the route?
Hi Mike - We usually post it here on the forums by Saturday (who's leading and what the route is and update the calendar as well once all the logistics get settled)
This is the most common route but it can change from time to time. Strava Route Link . At the top of Sandy Brook there's a decision point and group sometimes splits, one group heads out for the extra 20ish mile loop the other group heads back for a total of 40ish miles.
Hope that helps, happy riding... also, for an example of the level of this ride, feel free to check out my ride last week for time & speed and such (i did the 40mi shorter version) here Strava Ride Profile. You should be able to see that ride (may need to follow me) and compare how you do on your solo ride to that, if you are fairly close then you will be fine as riding in a group is always a little less effort then by yourself.
Thanks a lot!