A Connecticut Cycling Club
Forums » Group Rides
A lot of people have expressed interest in a regular Saturday morning ride. Since we don't have a ready pool of ride leaders (yet), we are putting up a placeholder ride on the calendar for Saturday mornings at 8:00 am from the commuter lot at Routes 44 & 179 in Canton. If you plan to ride, please post something to the Group Ride forum and indicate what pace and distance you would like to ride. Hopefully, others will respond and a ride will form.
Also, feel free to modify the time or start location. Pace is open - it can be SP or CP, or a hammer-head training ride. Just be sure to clearly state the intended pace. If this picks up some momentum, we'll try to round up some regular ride leaders and get things a bit more organized.
We're open to any other ideas or suggestions. Post them here.
I'm planning on riding 60-ish miles on Saturday morning at an SP pace. I don't have a route yet and I could just as easily ride out of the Thomaston, litchfield, Torrington area.
I will be riding an approximately 60 mile route Saturday June 20th. Like last Saturday, I can begin at the park and ride or from Thomaston, Torrington, or Litchfield areas. It will be an SP pace. Let me know.