Forums » Group Rides

Saturday Rides

The club is interested in having a regular weekly Saturday ride return to the calendar. It is the only day of the week without a regular ride.

There was some interest in our member survey about bringing back the 7:00 am Early Bird ride from Collinsville. Is anyone else interested in this ride?

Are there any other locations or times that you would like to see added to our calendar for Saturdays? If so, what pace (Soft, Club or Intense)?

How about a starting point somewhere other than Simsbury or Canton? Winsted, Torrington, Riverton, etc.?

Please discuss, and maybe we can get something going.

I am interested in a Saaturday moring CP ride. Jim

7:00 AM? No thanks. Zombies and vampires are still out. Any earlier and we could just leave from NH center.

Definitely interested in Saturday AM "EARLY BIRD RIDES". Leave point ?? Anywhere that is convenient. CP

In reply to jeff3376

Zombies and vampires don't scare me.

I'd be very interested in a Saturday ride.

In reply to DinoSore

I'm interested in a Saturday ride, CP, later in morning such as 9am. Would prefer starting in Canton or New Hartford

In reply to hmprescott

Heather, Saturday would be a good day to ride for folks that are involved with Mother's Day celebrations on Sunday. Been working on a route that takes us up Sandy Brook then out and around the beautiful Doolittle Lake/Haystack Mountain area. Multiple loops, break off points for folks that want to go shorter or longer distances, less climbing or more climbing.
9 am, behind New Hartford Town Hall? If that sounds good, will try to finalize the maps. Walt

In reply to walt

Hi Walt,

That sounds good to me.

In reply to walt

> Heather, > Saturday would be a good day to ride for folks that are involved with Mother's Day celebrations on Sunday. > Been working on a route that takes us up Sandy Brook then out and around the beautiful Doolittle Lake/Haystack Mountain area. Multiple loops, break off points for folks that want to go shorter or longer distances, less climbing or more climbing.
> 9 am, behind New Hartford Town Hall? > If that sounds good, will try to finalize the maps. > Walt

FYI... You may want to avoid Lovers Lane (off of Loon Meadow, Norfolk) if you have that as part of your route. Most of the dirt section was graded and it is all loose 1-1/2" stone just asking for flats. I rode it last week and it can be done but is best avoided. There's a possibility that other dirt roads in the area may have undergone the springtime grading as well.

In reply to JoeD

Thanks Joe, will steer clear of it.