A Connecticut Cycling Club
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RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday July 3
Daytime ride. We'll start around 9 am? Two routes. One for cyclists: Brodie Park to Monterey; the second, a brick workout for triathletes: Brodie Park to Sandisfield, which will be followed by a 6.2 mile run on the Litchfield Hills Triathlon running course.
There are much more bike friendly ways to get through Winsted center. Maybe Brett could help out and re-route. I do not want to ride 44 through the center. The rest looks great! The non-runners may have a problem with the upper Rt 8 section as it is windy (as an adjective, not referring to air speed but curved or spiral in nature), full of traffic and little shoulder. But that's their problem - they should run.
Heading up Torringford then left on Moore and over route 8 with back roads (Willow, Prospect, Meadow) through Winsted is a start. I'm sure there are several riders who know better, more scenic, and safer routes back from Monterrey.
I will do the routing around 44 tonight or tomorrow
Christian save us Greg has relapsed and is using map my ride again. Greg ride with GPS is much better to view on cell phones than map my ride
I know, but what a pain in the ass to plan a ride; everytime I make a wrong turn, I have to clear the map and start over.
> I know, but what a pain in the ass to plan a ride; everytime I make a wrong turn, I have to clear the map and start over.
Just below the routing map you are creating in ridewithgps, on the right side, there are undo and redo buttons. Clicking on those will delete the last leg you created or restore it.
> I know, but what a pain in the ass to plan a ride; everytime I make a wrong turn, I have to clear the map and start over.
I didn't mean to cause trouble. I actually just meant that Brett could lead us on a quick little detour of a safer route on that 1/4 mile section on Friday. I'll shut up now.
Who's in for a warm up swim?
> Are you going to swim with the Lady of the Lake?
I have been lately. You never know when she'll pull on your foot though.
Sorry I can't make this ride, I'm headed to NYC. Busy weekend planned, Fireworks. Roller Coasters. James Cotton. Cycling - not on the city bike - I'm bringing my bike (Alan). Have a great weekend everyone
> Are you going to swim with the Lady of the Lake?
I think she would have surfaced a while ago.
For any one interested, Doug and I are going to do a ride to my house in Niantic on July 18. I have room for more. It is a 70 mile ride with about 5000 ft of climb, and a good warm up for TOLH. There is a nice beach, I have a canoe, and there is a street fair in Niantic that night. Should be a good time. Let me know if interested
I'm going for a swim the following day. So it's settled: 9 am start at Brodie Park.
Doug, I think you mentioned a ride followed by pizza tomorrow/July3. Is that still on?
Sure is. Some of the regular Wingbiters are coming back to my house afterwards for "beverages" and food. Are you riding with us? If not, send me an email and I'll get you the details.
Thanks Grandpa Doug, Marie and Kona for inviting us over after the ride. The great food and company was truly appreciated.
Thanks for mapping a fun route Greg - "Hole, hole, hole, hole, hole, hole, hole, ......." I wish you'd been able to actually do the ride with us, but I'm glad that we were at least able to help you fabricate a reason for buying a new road bike.