Forums » Group Rides

RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday 9/7

Walt and Betsy suggested a Wingbiter from Collinsville. Afterward, we can go to "The Green Door" for dinner. I devised a diabolical route with five hills for the occasion. What do you think? 6 pm from the parking lot next to the Canton Historical Society building?

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

> Walt and Betsy suggested a Wingbiter from Collinsville. Afterward, we can go to "The Green Door" for dinner. I devised a diabolical route with five hills for the occasion. What do you think? 6 pm from the parking lot next to the Canton Historical Society building?

You have exceeded the 100ft/mile standard. Wow!

You're a regular Snidley Whiplash

Sign me and my new NiteRider up

An alternative that may be better received by the crowd heading to Mallorca next week:

Three Hills With a Decent Warmup out of Collinsville

I vote for Doug's route

A second on Doug's route. I would just prefer to get back when it's still somewhat light.

I second Greg’s route.

I appreciate JR’s support and prefer a longer ride myself, but I can see the writing on the wall. Doug’s route looks nice. Please note that in the fall and winter these are night rides and all riders wil need rear blinkies and front headlamps.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

Are the polls closed? I vote for Greg's original route.

In reply to walt

> Are the polls closed? I vote for Greg's original route.

I can be the entertainment on the original route. I do have two working pedals again.

In reply to Dr.Bruce

We can break into A and B groups--great practice for Mallorca!

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

> We can break into A and B groups--great practice for Mallorca!

I can lead the C group

I'll be there to ride and both routes sound good to me. As the kids say..... "whatever"

In reply to TheOtherJim

I’m not going to make it!