A Connecticut Cycling Club
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RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday 7/10
I don't plan to ride Friday night. But I thought I would give you a preview of this route, for a Friday after the Litchfield Hills Triathlon. It is to help you prepare for Pittsburgh's Dirty Dozen Ride. (By the way, Christian's family says it will be fine if we stay with them, and they'll be happy to take all of us to a Steelers game that weekend). Here's the training route:
I haven't lost my mind (yet). The dead ends signify very steep ascents where there is no outlet. This ride will be followed by a run of up to 6 miles for all those training for a September triathlon, or anyone who would simply like to do a brick workout.
sadism [sey-diz-uh m, sad-iz-] noun 1. any enjoyment in being cruel 2. extreme cruelty
Glad to see Beeney is in there. Needs some tweaking to get there though. Stub Hollow is all rough rick rack and not friendly to road tires (especially on a new bike Greg). Perhaps descending down Pussy Lane would be better approach.
Really? I thought that would be worse. But okay, you live there; you know best.
hey wingbiters
since Greg wont be there this is what I was thinking of for a Wingbiter Route .
keep it on a flatter side so we can work our way up to the hill monster route
> hey wingbiters > > since Greg wont be there this is what I was thinking of for a Wingbiter Route . > > keep it on a flatter side so we can work our way up to the hill monster route
Very nice. Still some hills, but a good distance to take advantage of the longer day.
It turns out I will be able to ride on Friday night. The route looks great!