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RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday 6/26

Beginning at 6pm from New Hartford Center, there will be two routes to choose from: This route, for triathletes will be followed by a run of 1-4 miles. The second route is for cyclists.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

> Beginning at 6pm from New Hartford Center, there will be two routes to choose from: This route, for triathletes will be followed by a run of 1-4 miles. The second route is for cyclists.

you forgot the swim portion, and no excuses about the shrinkage issues

Would anyone like to join me for an open-water swim in West Hill Lake on Saturday morning? Doug? Jim R.? Vegemike?

I'll be in VT for the weekend.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

I think Jim will be out of town. I'll ride the tri loop with you and attempt to walk/slow run a bit, just for haha's, so you don't feel lonely, and so I can also dig out my tri shorts! Others are welcome to join me. As far as a swim on Saturday morning, that's a maybe for me. Next weekend, July 4th weekend, would be better, but we can discuss that during the apres 'biter.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

Hey Red Mike, I made it out earlier today so won't be at the Wingbiter. Perhaps your gold old buddy Roy would pick up your Hillfest T-Shirt on his way to the ride?
Roy, if that works, I'll leave it in the mailbox out front. Thanks, Walt

In reply to walt

Walt - How's about I just pass along to Red Mike the shirt you gave me at HillFest and get another from you if/when convenient? ~ Roy

In reply to OldGoat

Hi Walt and Roy, no worries about the shirt. I just wanted to join in with the joke. Nice gesture to give the last the prizes.
Red Mike

In reply to OldGoat

That plan works for me. Thanks.

> Walt - How's about I just pass along to Red Mike the shirt you gave me at HillFest and get another from you if/when convenient? ~ Roy