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RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday 5/8

6 pm from new Hartford center. I had a lot of different requests for routes. If this isn't what you had in mind, know this: Dr. Bruce wanted to go up Beech Hill. Route

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

> 6 pm from new Hartford center. I had a lot of different requests for routes. If this isn't what you had in mind, know this: Dr. Bruce wanted to go up Beech Hill. > Route

sure, throw me under the bus. Like Old North is an easy up hill…..

Unfortunately, I am still sick enough not to be able to ride. Coughing fits on a bike would be dangerous. And, looks like full lungs are needed for tonight. Be safe.

Geez, Jim, I hope you feel better soon. Are you sure you don't want to ride? Do you have a fever? It would be nice for me to beat SOMEBODY up a hill one of these days.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

Would like to ride but when I breathe out all I hear is lung bubbles. On Amox for 3 days now and feel better but no chance of riding.

In reply to JRogowski

Feel better Jim, maybe a ride in the country tomorrow is just what the doctor ordered?

Unfortunately there is a death in our family and I cannot ride tonight Stay safe

Sorry Jim and Jim. The other other JIm's wife is away and has to tend to the dogs. One's very drugged up and could use some extra attention. I'll be sitting home fattening up.