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RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday 4/3

Stay tuned...I'm not counting on good weather for Friday, so I'm planning to run in the morning. says 80% chance of rain tomorrow evening. If anything changes, I'll post a route. Any badass who plans to ride, feel free to post a route here.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

> Stay tuned...I'm not counting on good weather for Friday, so I'm planning to run in the morning. says 80% chance of rain tomorrow evening. If anything changes, I'll post a route. Any badass who plans to ride, feel free to post a route here.

Passover, be safe to any who ride.

There may be a window of opportunity in the early afternoon. Evening appears to be a rain out.

Accuweather thinks there's only a 20% chance up until 8pm.

In reply to Carey_Gregory

The weather for tonight is more favorable. I packed up the bike.