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RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday 4/10

6 pm from New Hartford center. I think the weather will be okay. Here's the Route

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

Don't for get your lights we will be finishing in the dark

In reply to Brett

> Don't for get your lights we will be finishing in the dark

May need a waterproof case for your phone

Ah, ye of little faith...

In reply to Dr.Bruce

I'm keeping an eye on the Doppler radar. I'll make my decision to ride based on that. It's going to be a nice weekend and if I'm not stuck in the basement of St. Francis Hospital I'd like to get out and enjoy some sunlight and warm temperatures. That beats riding in the dark and drizzle.

You guys should ride out to Walnut Park in NB Sunday and check out the races. Other than the trip down 372 the rest of the route through Collinsville and Unionville isn't so bad. The bike path is clear to get you safely through Unionville. Or you could go through Burlington (GW Tpk) and get some hills in.

The road is a little moist, so tonight, bring whatever bike gives you the best traction on a wet surface. (I'll have my road bike.) We'll take a vote on the route in the parking lot. (Some might wish to avoid a steep downhill with no run-out on a wet evening.) But the ride will go on!

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

Crap. I can't make it. I have some things to do with my daughter so don't pick on me or call me a wiener.

I'm not a wiener and therefore will be there (just sayin')

In reply to JRogowski

The other-other-jim is going too. Your really a wiener! Just sayin'

In reply to MikeGluz

> The other-other-jim is going too. Your really a wiener! Just sayin'

> I'm not a wiener and therefore will be there (just sayin')

I've got two words for you both: deluge

In reply to JRogowski

I just got a dinner invite. That sounds better than riding in the rain in the dark. Looks like I may be able to get a ride in tomorrow later afternoon so that's my plan. My be able to ride Sunday too!

The parking lot/Rt 44 driveway apron potholes got filled in today. Enjoy!

In reply to Doug

> I just got a dinner invite. That sounds better than riding in the rain in the dark. Looks like I may be able to get a ride in tomorrow later afternoon so that's my plan. My be able to ride Sunday too! > > The parking lot/Rt 44 driveway apron potholes got filled in today. Enjoy!

It is drizzling in Avon. I am staying in ride safely

In reply to TheOtherJim

What the other-other-Jim said.