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RFTCC-Wingbiter Friday 3/27 at 6 pm from New Hartford center

Bring headlamp and rear blinky. Two words: Deer Hill.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

> Bring headlamp and rear blinky. Two words: Deer Hill.

Just slightly shy of the standard 100ft/mile climbing. Looks great. Hope the roads dry out!

Bruce I don't think wheel spray will be an issue going up deer hill or Greenwood road.

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

Family gathering. I'm out. Have fun! Shouldn't be any ice....

In reply to CrossBikeRedPants

It's the most beautiful route I have ever seen.

In reply to JRogowski

Jim I hope your fever breaks soon. We're all pulling for you.

Perhaps the winter frost heaves have smoothed and leveled the road surface?

In reply to MikeGluz

> Jim I hope your fever breaks soon. We're all pulling for you.

Liar. You will try to kill me tonight going up Deer Hill.

Here's the fixed route from RideWithGPS. BAD GREG!!! (shaking can of nickels) Don't use (it's been BANNED)

I am going to try and make it tonight.

In reply to Kring

CT: Would you have Kring check the link to the ride, won't work for me. Thanks.

In reply to walt

Fixed! Thanks.

In reply to Kring

> Fixed! Thanks.

Hey Chris, check the routeā€¦. seems incorrect

In reply to Dr.Bruce

The Ride with GPS route that Christian mapped is the "Tour de Norfolk," which I'm planning a little later in the season, after I've had a chance to ride those roads to make sure none is made of gravel. (Note that it begins in Colebrook, near the site of last year's book burning ceremony.) Tonight's ride will commence from New Hartford center.

In reply to Dr.Bruce

Fixed! Thanks x2