A Connecticut Cycling Club
Forums » Group Rides
RFTCC Winbiter Friday 10/3 ROAD RIDE
For those who don't have or want to ride a heavy mountain bike there will be a road ride starting at 6:00 We will get back a few minuets before the other group so we can get seating at Chatterley's.
Thanks for organizing this, Alan. If you like, in the future I can post simultaneous MTB and road rides (as I did when some of us were doing brick workouts while others were riding longer). We should discuss this over beer and wings at Chatterly's after the ride.
> Alan, > How about posting a route of your ride using RidewithGPS?
In the Wingbiter tradition, should he use Mapmyride?
Alan should use mapmyride so Christian can repost the route using ridewithgps. Dont want to take his job away
Soooo. I'm out for this one too, will still be riding the century. I guess you'll have to have 2 wings and 2 beers for me:). One for each ride:). Have a great ride. Stay safe. Hope to see you next Friday:))