A Connecticut Cycling Club
Forums » Group Rides
Monday 6/29 (an alternative to a rainy Sunday)
Attention all (1) retirees, (2) teachers on summer break, (3) the self-employed, (4) those inclined to play hooky, and (5) any and all persons heretofore referred to as "men of leisure" or "idle sportsmen":
I plan to do a 50 mile ride out of Matthies Grove (People's State Forest) on East River Road on Monday morning at 9:00am. Probably heading up Sandy Brook, past Doolittle Lake, up to Southfield with a stop at the Southfield Store, back through Colebrook with possibly another stop at the Colebrook Store because, you know, its important to maintain your nutritional needs so as not to bonk. Pace will be steady, but that which will allow for ample bullsh***ing.
Post here or email me if you are interested. Other route options will be entertained.
Unfortunately I do not fit into one of these categories, so I won't be participating ( I hope to be joining category 1 soon, but in the meantime will be cursing you while I sit at work doing dumb stuff while you ride in the sunshine) . But I do belong in the category of cheap old bstd which makes me point out that Matthies Grove is a pay to park lot this time of year...while up the road a bit at Whittemore Grove, the parking is free...I think.
Have a nice ride !
Leave it to Lew to piddle in everyone's Cheerios. Actually, I rode quite a bit last summer from Matthies Grove and the toll booth was never open during the week. However, I wouldn't put it past the State of Connecticut to try to charge for weekday parking in an effort to hold us over until Keno arrives and saves our economy and the budget will run surpluses in perpetuity. In the event they are charging for parking, option #2 is Whittemore Grove. If that fails, keep going on East River Road, straight onto Rt. 20 and use the dirt lot on the left at the bottom of Hogback.
You are a bad man. I now feel a slight possible cold coming on and don't think I should stress myself sitting at my desk tomorrow. However, ridding up and down hills for 50 miles should be just fine. See you at nine at some grove or another.
See you there .
Repeat after me: The sun is going to come out, the sun is going to come out, the sun is going to come out....
Nice ride guys! Thanks John for organizing and Sam for leading.