Forums » Group Rides

Monday, 5/4, SP Ride

I assume someone is planning to lead the 6:00 SP ride tonight.

Yes. I'll be leading the slower ride. We'll head out Barn Door and come back via RT 20 and Granby-Canton Rd.

News is reporting a aggressive bear in the Barn Door McLean area. Keep a look out !

Got hung up in the office, again. Sorry. I'm afraid this may be a pattern for awhile....

It was a nice evening to ride, too.

On the bright side, Doug, look how beautiful your office notes are now that they're printed by computer! Oh, and how is your conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coming along?

In reply to EricL

I read that they caught the bear that was chasing the two joggers in that area.

In reply to pcunningham

> I read that they caught the bear that was chasing the two joggers in that area.

Yeah, saw the report on that. Some folks need a little more education on what to do when they encounter a bear. The absolute last thing you should ever do is run. You can't outrun a bear, not even on a bike. And all running will accomplish is triggering the bear's prey drive, which is mainly just a good way to get yourself eaten.

Gentlemen, gentlemen.

The joggers didn't have to outrun the bear. They only had to outrun each other.

The bear was executed for behavior unbecoming to a Farmington Valley bear.