Forums » Group Rides

Change Start Time

Some riders have expressed an interest in changing the start time for our Mon & Wed "C" ride to 5:30 until the end of the season (Wed before Labor Day for me). We can't do anything about it this week, but starting on the 12th will give us three weeks with bit more light. Let's talk (write) about it. I'm perfectly happy to go out earlier so maybe we have my group go out at 5:30 and Bruce and Doug can go out at 6:00. Comments?

In reply to Don

The days are certainly starting to get noticeably shorter. But it is hard for me to get there by 5:30. Let's see how folks feel about shorter rides, use of lights towards the end of rides.

In reply to Dr.Bruce

Let's see what the ridership thinks and ask them tonight.

In reply to Doug

> Let's see what the ridership thinks and ask them tonight.

Wait- since when do we have a democracy?