Forums » Group Rides

8/28 Tuesday B Ride

Yay!!! I'm back and looking forward to a ride!

I've pulled up an early season ride that will take us to the Granby area, and keep us out of significant climbing. I am always open for a change of plans if anyone has a either speak up here, or at the beginning of the ride. We will keep ourselves in some shade as we enjoy this late August hot/humid ride.

We will depart at 6. Sunset is 7:32PM. Blinky lights/solid front are our friends as daylight wanes.

26 Miles 1300' Climbing or copy and paste

In reply to Jan

Is the Griffin Road bridge open yet? I've not been that way lately, but the road was closed to through traffic earlier in the year pending evaluation of the bridge.

We will make that decision as we reach that point. If it is closed, we will head into Granby Center or Tariffville, dependent upon daylight. Thanks.