Forums » Group Rides

4/10 - Res Loop anyone?

Sunny and high 40s this afternoon. Anybody want to climb some hills?

Traditional meeting place and time for this ride is 5:30 at the Saville Dam parking lot. This is considered a B level ride but we typically regroup in East Hartland for the trip back down 179/219.

Who's in?

In reply to pcunningham

I'm hoping to make it...all depends upon the shop. Sunny day and school break may say otherwise....

Get out and ride! Ride safely.

Yes - I'm planning to ride from home and get there, hopefully, prior to 5:30 start. Not sure if I have a B performance in my legs yet but we will see.

So did anyone else go??? I got to parking lot 5:22 - no one was there or coming up route 219 so started 5:27 figuring anyone starting later would catch up. No one did. I waited 10 minutes at east heartland stop sign then got worried about daylight and headed for home. The ride was a little windy and cool but good nevertheless. Would have been better with others.......Hopefully next week.

In reply to Jeffb

Jeff, I got started later than planned. I txt'd Jan and she was also delayed and I sent a message to your pw email which was the only contact info I had for you in my phone. I left the parking lot around 5:50 and did a solo loop as well.

I'm looking forward to the club getting the Slack app operational. That was exactly what we needed last night for communication. Pat