Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
Forums » Charity Rides/Events
Benidorm Consignment Sale May 4th and 5th 2019 - Call for Volunteers!
Hello Fellow EBCCers!
The Benidorm Consignment sale with be held on Saturday 5/4 from 9AM to 6PM and Sunday 5/5 from 10AM to 5PM.
The Eastern Bloc Cycling Club has a long tradition of helping with the sale by assisting shoppers as well as set up and breakdown of the event. Volunteer shifts are typically 4-5 hour blocks but any help you can provide is always appreciated. Anyone who has volunteered in the past, please chime in on how much fun it was. You get to enjoy the company of friends, be outside, and talk about a bikes all day long (which many of us do anyway).
The key area where EBCC members can help is in keeping a vigilant eye. The sale attracts large crowds, particularly on Saturdays, and bicycles have gone missing in the past. Anyone leaving with a bike should have a shop printed receipt in hand. If you see anything that appears suspicious, notify a shop employee ASAP.
Please sign up to volunteer your time by responding to this thread and I will update the list. Saturday morning is usually the busiest time so the more the merrier!
Saturday 9AM to 1PM (Busiest time slot, 5-8 volunteers if possible)
Ron B
Walt H
Pat C
Kevin L
Jeff C
Saturday 1PM to 6PM (4 volunteers is sufficient, clean up help is appreciated)
Don M
Margie B
Sunday 10AM to 2PM (relatively slow, 2-3 volunteers sufficient)
- Mark H
Sunday 2PM to 5PM (4 volunteers is sufficient)
Pat C
Betsy H
Beth S
Eric L
I can help from 9 - 1
I can work a Saturday PM slot. - Jeff
Put me down for Sat. , 9-1 time slot. As you said Pat it is a lot of fun. Don't worry if you don't know "everything" about bikes, there is always another volunteer or members of the Benidorm Staff to take over. I've found it helpful to bring a tape measure, a multi-tool and a small crescent wrench, mostly to adjust the seat height on the bikes the folks want to try.
See you all there.
Thanks Ron, Jeff and Walt. Great points Walt!
WIll volunteer Saturday AM 9-1
Thanks Kevin!
Oops. Sorry for the confusion Pat. I'd like to change my assignment to Saturday AM, due to an afternoon conflict.
- Jeff
I can help Sat afternoon 1-6, but may have to leave @ 5:00.
I can assist at early shift Saturday or Sunday. Which has the most need? Looks like Sunday at this point, but looking for direction.
Hi Pat,
Stuart and I will be in our usual location assisting both days.
This is a great way to help the local community and promote riding. Many smiling faces who appreciate all our efforts. See you soon!
Thanks, Laura
Sunday AM is fine. I’ll be there.
Thanks to everyone that is offering to share some of their time with us throughout the coming weekend. It is a busy time, fun time and most of all, it is helping to get others onto bikes...safely.
We appreciate your help.
There will be a handout available that may serve as a useful tool if questions are asked about other sale details. You can also grab a t-shirt from me when you arrive, or wear one you have...or your new EBCC t-shirt.
Please park in the upper, back parking lot located at the next traffic light, west of the shop. If you have any questions, give a call at the shop or send me an email, Jan@benidormbikes.com .
Also...if anyone is available on Friday morning to help set up the canopy tent, please let me know. It is ideal to have 2 people. The tent will be available to set up at 9:30AM.
Thanks again...and spread the word...there will be great bikes!
The only time I have available this weekend is Saturday afternoon from about 1 to 4. Happy to help out then.
Done and done! Thanks Margie and Betsy!