A Connecticut Cycling Club
Forums » Charity Rides/Events
2016 EBCC Spring Meeting - Saturday, March 12 - Berkshire Hall, Brodie Park, New Hartford, CT
The 2016 EBCC Spring Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 12, at Berkshire Hall, Brodie Park, in New Hartford, CT
The theme of the meeting is "EBCC We Share the Road" and will focus on safe riding and developing the riding community.
The meeting will begin at 5:00 PM with schedule as follows:
- 4;15 - 5:00 Volunteers set up
- 5:00 - 6:00 Arrival and Social Hour
- 6:00 - 7:30 Diner and Meeting Presentations
- 7:30 - 8:00 Volunteer Cleanup
Water, soda and beer will be provided with snacks for the social hour. Dinner will consist of a variety of lasagna, salad and antipasto. For desert, we would like to have 6 - 8 volunteers bring desert for 10 - 12 people. Please let me know if you are interested in bringing a desert. The following volunteers are needed. If you are interested in volunteering please send me an email.
- Setup
- Cleanup
- Deserts
Confirm your attendance by email to rbeliveau@cox.net. Remember to renew your EBCC membership prior to the meeting. This is a 2016 event and is open to active EBCC members.